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It's my birthday, It's my birthday - and I'm gonna type about myself.


I'm Mindy - It's my birthday today hence, I thought what an appropriate day to introduce myself not as a digital marketing enthusiast but as me, I, Mindy Sidhu - the thirty-something-year-old (haha I'm kidding I turned 32).

I live in Berkshire, London and I love living in Berkshire. I lived in Australia for 3 years which were the most memorable years of my life. I studied to become a chef, I bought and ran a restaurant for 3 years until I moved back to the UK.

When I came to the UK, I fell into the world of Financial Services and I absolutely loved it. Financial Services is the backbone of the country and I was so happy to be part of it. I made some unforgettable friends and memories. I learned financial literature (the most important thing to learn). I worked hard and partied harder. Then came lockdown...

Lockdown changed the dynamics of the world, workplace, and my mind. All of a sudden I found myself lost. I was unable to find peace in what I once loved.

To take my mind off of it I decided to learn something new, but I didn't know what so I took up - roller skating, mandala art, web design course and I started learning Spanish, Y me hice buena en eso. Once I completed web design I realised how much I loved it.

LOCKDOWN was the birth of many businesses - I saw so many businesses pop up on Instagram with no websites - so, I approached everyone and every business page and offered them a web design service and before I knew it - I had clients. I had some amazing, ambitious, lovely clients who inspired me and I felt so good. That's when I knew this was my calling.

We would have meetings and discussions regarding their businesses and I had this feeling in my stomach, it just felt so right. So many of those businesses are now thriving and I am so happy that I was a part of their journey.

From my meeting with clients regarding web design, I realised I was offering my business knowledge and consulting my clients every step of the way, with successful and relevant strategies to help them get going and get growing. Without even realising it, this is where the second part of the business was born. The business consulting.

Finally, I came across JAS SMMM (Social media marketing manager) who Inspired me to do a course in social media marketing and build a client base, and before you know it - we had My Pretty Marketing.

I hired Daisy an amazing addition to the company who helped us grow and flourish and before I knew it lockdown was over and things went back to normal. Except for me, something had changed and I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the corporate world. All of sudden asking someone if I was able to take my entitled annual leave felt like a slap in the face - I LOST ALL respect for the corporate world. I will like to add though, that the previous company I worked for was AMAZING. They were nothing like what I have experienced before and briefly after them (after them I joined another company which confirmed EVERYTHING I HATE about the corporate world), I just couldn't support that working style anymore.

The day I walked out of the office of the company I had been with only 2 months. I FELT SO RELIEVED. The environment of that company was not who I was anymore, some of the people I met were amazing and some were exactly what we expect the corporate world to be like and I just couldn't do it anymore.

So here I am, with My Pretty Marketing. Living my dream.

Outside of work I love long walks in strange cities, I love spending a countless number of hours sitting by the water (beach, lake, river). I love picnics and I love dancing. I take photos of every place I visit and every experience I experience and I keep them forever tucked away somewhere in the cloud for me to revisit when I'm 95 years old sitting on the beach in Barbados sipping a Vodka Martini (that's the goal).

I give back every year in November and December by collecting second-hand coats, blankets, jackets, gloves, etc for the homeless people then I spend January and February giving the items out on the streets.

Not many people know this about me but I write poetry on a secret page on an online social media site (I'll never tell you which one) but it's my passion and I wanted to keep a directory of all my poems, I know this sounds bias but I am pretty damn good!

There is so much more I can type about but this last paragraph I'm keeping for all the people in my life. I have AMAZING friends that warm my heart, I have a family that is perfect and I have made some lifelong friends working for the company I worked for previously. I am the luckiest person in the world. Today is my birthday and the one thing I am most grateful for are the people in my life, whether we talk every day or not, You are everything to me.

Kind regards,

Mindy Sidhu


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